Blah-blah Bullets!

  • Long time since I did a blah-blah or a bullet post 😛 So, making up for all of it here 😉

Office is keeping me busy right now err with work and with all the fun that is 😉  Last Monday, we had a ‘Back to School’ Day @ work. All Most Few of us came dressed in school uniforms and it was so much fun.

We had a time-table too, according to which we had question papers coming in every hour and there were prizes :mrgreen:

I won 4 prizes too woohoo – one was for the best dressed, essay-writing, holding the brick and a QuickFire quiz about ads and their punch-lines.

We also had a ‘BoxerBoss’ contest on Thursday where the bosses [aka managers] fought it for the ‘Boxer Boss’ crown.

Today, we have Sandwiches-making competition, Musical Tambola and live Jalebi counters 😉 😉

Oh, I am a part of two group dances for the final event too – Zoobi Zoobi and another traditional Medley 8)

  • On the home front, 2010 has been a blessing in terms of guests 😛 My aunt and 3 cousins are coming over for 4 days on 9th and we are so looking forward to it. It’s funny how life takes a completely different course.  I have not met these people, who are as much an integral part of my family as my parents and sisters are for over 3 yrs now ❗  Every time we go home to Blr, we are so busy juggling between meeting relatives/ friends in the few days that we are there that we were just not able to make it to Mysore [which is just about 3 hrs from Blr though] to meet them.  So looking forward to spending a lot of time with them 🙂
  • 2010 has been such a mixed year for us. With all the good things that happened, for which I am definitely thankful, I seem to be on a losing spree. If that big theft was not enough, I don’t even have a count of the number of small things that I have lost!  Starting from losing my wallet just 3 days after that theft to losing another one in the crowded market from a neatly closed bag on the eve of Ganesh Chaturti, this is one thing which is really haunting me 😐 If that was not enough, even the Toranum [a decorative hanging at the entrance of most homes signifying a warm welcome] has been stolen and the keys to my desk @ office have been misplaced too 😦  This is more stuff that all that I have lost in my entire lifetime before 2010 put together. So much so that  I even dreamt I lost my Scooty today morning 😛 Another thing that I don’t have one 😉 I want to see ‘THE END’ for this one please 😈  Well, I read somewhere that when there is something big in store for u, the Lord gets rid of that by giving you a small thorn prick.  Hope so, hope so 🙂
  • My Dad’s Chacha [father’s brother] passed away recently and it’s such a void feeling. He was 94 alrite, but he was the last one in that gen in the family. Infact, he was the only grandpa I have seen on my Dad’s side. My Dad himself lost his father at a very very young age. RIP Thatha!
  • I salute those teachers who teach these KinderGarten students. Baap re!  We go to one school every Saturday, where we usually teach Computers, Maths and Science. Since there was no teacher in the KinderGarten this time, I just stepped in to teach them and boy! they ask more than a lakh qs for every word u utter!  I asked them to write alphabets in Telugu and one of them said she will write only in English and that too only M,N,O and P bcoz they r her favorite alphabets 😛 Another one said he likes only numbers! One girl said she likes to sing ‘Rani Rani Yes Papa’ and not ‘Johnny Johnny Yes Papa’!!!!!!!!   I told one girl that she had written very well and she asked if I would get her a box of chocolates next time ???????  And they bring 100 complaints every minute. Miss, she hit me. He took my pencil/chalk. She drank my water and so on 😛
  • Sags ran this super-fun contest on her blog –  ‘ The Best EavesDropper in Town‘  and I am surprised I won it.  Not because I am not smart, but because I am even the worst EavesDrooper 😐  But thanks so much Sags for the wonderful personalized certificate 😀

  • One thing we never miss in Hyderabad is the Ganesh Nimajjan [immersing the Ganesh idols in Hussain Sagar lake]. It is just worth every km that we walk and all that push and chaos that you have to put up with. Have loads of pics just like last year. Will share them soon 😀

Until we meet again, Tata! Have a gr8 week ahead 🙂


  1. yaahhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .. dhjinchak dhinchak dhin chak 🙂 😛 …. No Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 🙂


        1. No No .. for other reasons which shall be shared over Gtalk 😉 ;0 .. but Swar seriosuly post pics of you in school uniform na.. and how did the singing thing go..

          oH btw woking in the Kindergarten is good practice .. u know to what 😉 😉 .. err good news 😉 😉 .. your fav word right? 😉 😉


    1. Working with kids must have been so much more refreshing than sitting on the same-old-boring-desk and looking at the boring screen and typing out the monotonous code, hai na?


  2. See by the time I left the comment and everything acted up, I see so many comments…my original comment was “OMG, that was hilarious swaram..loved reading abt the kids..they can come up with so many questions in nano second speed!..what a hoot of a bullet post this is ! Excellent!” luckily I saved the long where is the school uniform pic and yes I want to know your work place too!..:D


    1. Ha ha! More than half of the comments r mine Srivalli 😛
      Sigh! Seriously. I forget all that they ask me by the time I come home. Next time, I will take a book and note them down 😉 Makes for good post material too lol 😉

      Thank u Srivalli 🙂 I put up a pic on FB actually 🙂 The profile pic is from that day 🙂


  3. Hey Swar!! What a cool work place 🙂 I miss dressing up and all the festivities for Diwali, Ganapati and so on at work..
    And dont fret over the losing trend, something big must be in store – million dollar bumper lottery etc 🙂
    Btw saw your profile pic on FB, you looked so cute in your back to school look 🙂


  4. ha ha ha kinder garden children and their questions… sigh I have started to hate the word WHY

    WHY did someone have to include it in the dictionary… every conversation these days is like a sawaal jawaab session, was just writing a post abt it on ojas blog 🙂

    and swaram u looked so cute in that dress of urs,no wonder u got 1st prize for that 🙂

    and I love the boxer’s boss… what an idea sirji 🙂



    1. LOL nt posted yet? I dread the word WHY too Mons 😛 It’s like this just with a classroom of kids for one hr 😉 I cnt imagine what it mite be like with our own kids @ home 😯

      Thank u so much Monu 🙂

      PS: Shall I send them over 😛


  5. loved the bullet post..

    Thanks Hypermom 🙂

    #hope your losing spree comes to a full stop. It is crazy when you start getting nightmares on losing things u don’t even have..
    LOL I know! It looked so real @ that 😉

    #my condolences on your grandpa. I have lost that generation completely it leaves behind such a void

    🙂 🙂

    #i can empathize with your KG experience, I face so many similar experiences all the time
    LOL I cn understand 😛

    #keep having fun and
    # pls keep sharing it with us
    Thank u so much 🙂 Sure – who else will listen to all my blabber 😛 😛


  6. WOW…Swaru’s refreshing post is back…. 🙂 🙂

    I missed Ganesh Visarjan in Hyd…. 😦 😦 Put up pics plz…..

    Thats one helluva games in your office – WOW, so many and what is it still going on ??? So, this is where u took ur DP for FB, huh ???? 😉 😉

    You always win some prize or other…good for you…Congrats…. BTW, didnt get whats that holding the Brick contest is abt ??? 🙂

    Of course, Congrats to the Eavesdropper !!! 🙂 🙂

    Sags, u came running becos u got a pingback and she wrote abt ur post, huh ???? Deviant Devil !!! 😉 😉


    1. LOL. every yr we hv our foundation day on 18thOct Ums and so for a month before that, we hv celebs gng on every monday and thursday in the evenings 🙂

      Wil def put up pics Ums 🙂 🙂


  7. You have the coolest workplace! SO many fun things! Wow! It must be so much fun 🙂 And you won 4 prizes!
    LOL simple ones Smithu, but it ws nice getting bk to school 😛 😛

    Wow! I was going to ask what is this Brick holding thing, but I can see that Uma has already asked and you have already answered 🙂
    🙂 🙂 Pics up on FB 🙂

    And congrats on the Eavesdropper award 🙂
    LOL thank u 🙂

    You are having a hectic, hectic time! And I thought I was busy 🙂 Have fun with your aunt and cousins! I can imagine how much fun it is going to be for you 🙂 Have fun and we want to see some pics!
    Thanks so much Smithu. Sure, lotz to come 🙂


  8. Hey Swar – nice post 🙂

    Sandwiches-making competition, Musical Tambola and live Jalebi counters – all sound sooooo much fun, my office is sooo boring wish we had some cool events…


  9. Swaram, yaar, please please tell me which company you work for!I will neg them for a job!
    What fun:).
    Ha ha come over 🙂
    When do you folks work, actually?
    When we r nt playing 😉
    And congratulations on winning all those prizes:)
    Thank u 🙂

    You really seem like a very fun loving, bright and cheerful person;would love to meet you someday:)
    My pleasure that wud be 🙂

    And the number of things you lost!!!Too much, sound very freaky:(
    Hmmm! I hope no more 🙂
    But the dream about you losing a non existent Scooty was really hilarious:)
    LOL I know 😛


  10. Like everybody above — WHERE THE HELL DO YOU WORK ???? btw, do we get to hit the bosses ??? no, eh? then, whats the fun ! 😀 😀 😀

    I lost my granddad a few days; he was exactly 100 though ! Donno how my dads taking it, I really donno how to speak to him !


  11. Congrats on all the awards. So, you’re dreaming of losing things you don’t even have…pathetic yaar!

    *waves wand* I hereby decree that Swaram will gain, gain, gain things to replace all that she has lost and much much more (except for weight :P)

    Sorry to hear abt your dad’s chacha!


  12. What a cool office.. I would have loved that boxing game.. got to punch few 😛 😛
    Err hope I dnt figure in that list 😉

    Your wallet was also gone.. come on Swaram.. be careful..
    Sigh! Wish it ws only bcoz of my carelessness. I cud hv corrected 😦 Looks i became careless after so many yrs 😛

    And you are taking classes for KG kids.. I love to do that.. it’s been ages since I have spent time with that age kids.. How good it will be..
    🙂 🙂 come over. I wil take u to our school next time 😀

    didn’t they have a busiest person award.. you will get Ist, IInd and IIIrd prize Swaram.. I am not kidding 😀 😀
    Ha ha ha. U r too gud for my ego Kanagu 😉


    1. didn’t they have a busiest person award.. you will get Ist, IInd and IIIrd prize Swaram.. I am not kidding

      Yes, I totally agree to kanagu in this


  13. Man….can I get a job at your place????? 😀 😀 😀 I LOVE all these celebrations…lol.

    You??? Eavesdropping??? Nah, cant believe it! lol…congrats anyway! 🙂

    And as for ur losses….I certainly 2011 doesnt see any of them!!
    RIP for your thatha….peace be with him…


  14. Can I get a job where you work?? Added to stay with you..with those Orange walls 😛 😛

    Live Jalebi?? What is that??

    Hope you stop your losing spree or maybe God is working on cleaning things to make way for Bunty and Bubli 😛 😛


  15. Oh la some people are too lucky to be working at such a fun place. 😥 I wish my employer the husband would hire someone to keep me entertained : razz:

    Aww you lost so many things? Koyi nahi you will get more stuffs next year.

    See I told ya this is one of the reason for my deteriorating mental stability 🙄 Samy also shoots questions like a non stop machine gun and he asks all about Space, Continents, Infinity etc and things I have no clue about 😥 Then when I don’t answer he says “It’s ok if you don’t know, you can always go to school to learn new stuffs” 😡


    1. Saksh, u r a 24×7 entertainment channel urself and u hv another li’l one who entertains u fo 48 hrs in a day 😛 What more do u need 😉

      LOL he said that 😛 So, when r u starting school again 😉


  16. fun activities at office are so good.. shud appreciate your HR.. they have done a great job.. timetable and all eh.. cool.. congrats for the prizes you won.. best dressed.. saw the pic on FB.. you indeed looked like a school kid in that pic 🙂 4 prizes wow.. too good.. and congrats for winning the eavesdropper prize.. but even I dont believe that you are an eavesdropper 😛
    And dont worry much about losing stuff this yr.. I kept losing purses and keys last yr for unknown reasons but this yr thankfully has been good.. RIP your grandad.. that was a very sad news..


    1. Thanks so much Avada for being on my side 😉 Ofcourse am nt one 😛 😛
      Oh glad this yr hs been gud for u and hope 2011 is so for both of us 🙂 🙂


  17. Same pinch – i lost the keys to my drawer and i almost lost my wallet and keys to the house. except that i found them in the house itself 😛

    And Boss u are amazing PR for your company- are they recruiting?


  18. Looks like u r having loads of fun..
    seriously when I think of kindergarden teachers I am always amazed..we are four in our house but still can’t control 1 who by the way has still not started with his series of why’s ..


  19. OMG I WANT TO BE IN YOUR OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And you won prizes!!! 😀 tee hee!!!

    Heee heee 😉

    that boxing ring…why restricted to managers? :mrgreen: everyone shud get an outlet to their real feelings! buhahahah! 😈
    LOL Hw I wish 😉 I wud be the winner for sure 😛

    question papers every hr….gosh, swaroo… this is really a sooper event!!! 😀 i wud love Back to School day! and fail in Math, geography and history all over again! 😆
    Ha ha ha ha 😉 Google baba ki Jai Ho 😛

    How are you managing all these activities and home scene!!! hats off to you, you hyper kid!!!
    LOL. Show-off post this is 😉



    Sad to hear of you loss Swaroo. May he rest in peace.


  20. My office is also like this. Something or the other planned every week. I like Vimmuuu’s idea of hitting the bosses !!! heee 😀

    Saw the fb snaps. I laughed for full 15 minutes seeing your priceless expressions. So cute :-)Congrats on your prizes. Exactly what was the brick competition ? – Just holding it in 1 hand?


  21. Header is interesting, where is it, Swaram?
    Singapore – Chinese gardens 🙂

    You are really enjoying your work place, right? I envy you, Swaram!
    Ha ha, when I dnt hv my mgr sitting on my head, yes 😛

    I have heard about the Ganesh visarjjan of Hyderabad…it seems to be interesting!
    Ya Sandhya, will post pics soon 🙂

    Your kindergarten class experience is hilarious!
    LOL I know 🙂

    Congratulations for the prizes, great!
    Thanks Sandhya 🙂


  22. Hm.m. . Fun, school, boxer, games, jalebis, chacha, guests . . . Well u lost me after that. . . Now i know why its a blah blah or bullet post. . Take care


  23. What do u do.. I dont have this much fun at my work.. i need to change profession… please do let me know if you go any vacancies at ur place….

    and congrats on the awards .. yooo hoooo way to go …


    Bikram’s Blog


  24. can i please work in ur office? it sounds like such a fun place to be in!!! trade places, please?

    i think we need to do a small pooja for u… to ward of the “lose it” devil! 😛 no, but seriously, kuch karo! misplacing desk keys is a HUGE offense in office… and what kind of ppl steal a toran??


    1. Mandy, dnt blame me if it turns otherwise later 😉
      2 yrs kuch nahi that bcoz of recession; so they r making up for all of it nw 😛 😛

      LOL. Done all that Mandy 🙂
      And thankfully, I got a duplicate set easily 🙂 🙂
      LOL – toran, I hv the same qs 😛 Though it ws a nice pretty one 🙂


  25. Yay..gettting awards is so much fun 🙂 I second Mandira….I wanna work in ur office too! Hopefully your losing karma will get over soon. I myself am waiting for 2010 to end…hasnt been that great! Just an optimistic thought on my part 😉


  26. first: i’m going to suggest the ideas your HR uses to our HR guys. they really seem to have you all so involved, that we could all learn from them
    second: HOW???? do you make the time to work, run a home (i’m guessing), blog, do charity work in 24 hours?
    third: i agree too. if you are losing things, it means its making space for other things in your life. 🙂


  27. I repeat. Where do you work?
    Hehe, nice post, so much information! I missed the Hussain Sagar Nimarjan this time! Put up pics 😀


  28. Your office must be one helluva fun place to work at 🙂’ve been on a losing spree, huh, Swar..Hugs! Can imagine how depressing it may feel. I’m sure the coming months will make up for all that and give you enough and more reasons to be cheerful and happy 🙂

    Heartfelt condolences to you and your family on your Thaatha’s demise.

    Aha, so you’re a teacher too! God bless you! What you mentioned about the kindergartners is what R & I talk about often. I know how well Namnam manages to keep us both on our toes, cant even imagine the situation of the teachers who have to handle so many kids at a time..Hats off to them!

    Congratulations on the awards..calls for a party, illeya?? 😉


    1. Helluva place most times @ hell @ times lol 😉 No complaints though 😉 They do ensure we dnt get bored working all the time 🙂 🙂

      Thanks so much Deeps 🙂 🙂

      He he seriously! I am planning to take a training on hw they do it 😛 😛

      LOL Aama 😉 Eppo cmg 😛 😛 😛


  29. Your work place is a lot of fun 🙂 Where do you work????

    LOL about the children. I really applaud the kindergarten teachers too 🙂 They have way more patients than the parents.

    When I was a kid, we always went to see the Ganesh Visarjan, but we always stayed away from the crowds. But, it is fun to go and watch 🙂


    1. Oh ya its loads of fun. I love seeing the variety it has got to offer and click pics 🙂 🙂
      He he, ya my workplace balances things well 😉


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