Count our blessings! – 55-er

The wife went on and on, whining about the fact that the husband had been slogging at work and returning home late for the past few days; until she saw their watchman doing both the day and the night duties for those few extra bucks.

She would never again forget to be thankful for small mercies!



  1. Good point made !

    Human mind is like that. We always catch that flu of keeping-crying for something. The people who are worried about their daily food can’t even think of spending time with each other and such stuff.

    We, who are earning good money think about spending time with each other, gifts, vacations etc etc.

    Should learn to thank more often for whatever we have got 😦


  2. Yes, it does make one think, na? A little work on our part gets so much result, and for them, a few rupees more…but to them it’s a bigger difference than to us 😦


  3. There are days when I just feel I have such a pathetic job and horrible working hours, but when I see some other worse situations, it brings me to earth and makes me say ,my prayers and get into bed at night.


  4. True! even though we realize that we need to count our blessings.. too often we get caught in the routine and mundane stuff and forget to appreciate things for what they are!!


  5. this post is quick reminder for all to appreciate what we have rather then cribbing for small small stuff 🙂


      1. your husband??? you mean Su ??? see, how desperate you made him !!! 😀 😀 😀 stop spending too much of time in these blogs; take care of your family life woman! 😀 😀 : D:D


        1. Oye I trust my husband .. even if I dnt give him time, he is happy with cricket and tennis .. wil nt do such things 😛

          U jaundiced-eyes fellow,
          U see all things yellow yellow 👿


          1. I was about to ask you whether the lines were about yourself …. You seem to have answered it 🙂

            Btw, I like the rhyming lines …. may I use it in my conversations ???


          2. Swaram ,

            “even if I dnt give him time, he is happy with cricket and tennis ”

            girl, Don’t give the jaundice-eyed guy ideas !!!!


            1. He is thriving on his Guru’s ideas; so I wanna get my friend bk. Well, I am sure u did nt follow .. he will, so its fine 😉 😉


          1. I dont know who you are ! But thanks for supporting me ! 😀 😀 😀 😀

            Swarr : see, people support me inspite of not knowing me also !! no go ….go….


  6. Its sad when we think on how much people struggle to make a life out of the little somethings they have for themselves.and when it comes to wives unpleasantness about her husband being late from work,I guess India would be united in a weird way.Coz everyone whines about these..But very few ppl observe the minute realities,life throws at us.. 🙂

    Nice blog! first a few other archives though I haven’t commented..wonderful I must say.. 🙂




    1. Thanks so much Nikhil .. means a lot to me. Welcome here 🙂

      Well, I wud nt call it unpleasantness though .. wives may feel bored, lonely for sometime but they do learn with time and greet the late-comer husband with a smile. I am sure bcoz I did change too 🙂


  7. I was so ready with my you are always at work whining today.. But guess thatll have to wait .. Errr till I forget your post that is 🙂


  8. very well said. i feel the same when i see the person who cleans our car and a few others’ between 7-9.30, rushing off to a factory right after for a full days work. that hasnt stopped me from cribbing tho!


  9. hehe…now after me it’s your turn to be flashed on ‘Astha TV’ 😉

    Jokes apart..yes we need to be thankful rather than complaining…like I said in my last post…tu padhti nahi hai theek se aur samajhti bhi nahi hai 😛


  10. Always puts life in perspective to look at the less fortunate when we are cribbing about small things.. But that does not mean you can’t aspire for what the others have 😛 😛

    But seriously balance is the key..and that is what we all should work on.


  11. ahh..yes ..lets count our blessings ..anyways you are using your time to read when he is away 🙂


  12. It’s not the’s reality….We always crib for what we don’t have..We need to learn to be thankful for what we have….
    nice one 🙂


  13. good one 🙂

    I saw ur comment. atleast one blogger fellow missed me :). I tried hard but somehow couldn’t get time to blog :(. Early days of my career , so difficult to manage. Will take few month for come back.

    keep blogging 🙂


  14. Nice 55er! Actually, lot of things are like that in life, I guess! We think we are unlucky and then we see someone who is even more unluckier – That ‘relativity’ is the crucial factor with which God plays his games! But I somehow have come to like his games 🙂 !!!

    Destination Infinity


  15. Very well written! You conveyed a very valuable message through those few words. We get so engrossed in running after things we dont or cant have that we dont realize how much we need to be thankful for what we have.


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