Swaramusings – Post19

Am so lost today and can’t think of a better title 😛   Know what? I hurt my right index toe the day before yesterday. It’s swollen, the pain is severe and I have fever too 🙄

And how did it happen? I was giving the sister some nice gyaan on how to tackle her manager 😉 and was parallely putting the washed dishes back in their places and all the juggling resulted in  3 non-stick Prestige tawas falling on the said toe!  Bechara!  So, I was at home even yesterday and got so much work done – read many blogs and found some new ones too,  spent some nice quality time with my books and clicked a lot many pics around the house.  I feel so bored and it’s just not my cup of tea to sit at home all day long, but they are not letting me go out :grrrrrrrrrrrrr. I actually get a headache if I don’t venture out atleast once during the day – REALLY!  Sigh! Sad me 😦   The pampering has been good though 😛

And here is what I did to kill time. There’s this nice mango tree just next to my kitchen balcony and I have decided to capture all the stages of the fruit this time.  So, here is how they are right now – soo cute and tender 😀

This screw and it’s reflection – I thought this is a nice way to learn about angles, no?  😛 😛

Few of my plants bore flowers and they made my day 🙂  They were just seeds or these minute saplings when we got them here and today, they have grown up sooo much 🙂  These are in the balcony adjacent my living room [What all am I boring u ppl with to make up this one post :|]

Spadix inflorescence

And this oneeee is one of my mossssst fav corners at home. Sitting on this jhoola, sipping tea with a book in hand, or just seeing those plants in my balcony or just swaying to some music – ahhh! bliss 😀

Lemme not bore you any more. Err, but now that I think of it, the title actually sounds musical 😉 He he, have a nice weekend people 😀


    1. Me likes the picture of the screw … 🙂 hehehehe a brilliant person yu r..for the idea to click this 😛 and awww…I luv ur curtains too..Plz let me noe where yu purchased ’em 🙂


  1. Enjoy the time girl,nobody pampers u once u r fine.

    Its such a bliss sitting on the cane swing,i love that.In my mom’s house we used to have and that was my fav place and sometimes i used to sleep on that,i love it.I have that here in my house but can’t hook it any where 😦 😦 😦

    Take care and enjoy the no work at home……..


  2. Awwww.take care. I know abt the falling pans….it’s a daily occurence here. My neighbours must’ve got used to my bloodcurling screams and heart-stopping crashes from my kitchen window 😛

    Love the jhoola!


  3. Notwithstanding your ‘prestigious” toe injury, I hope you have got the thing X-rayed and so on. Sometimes they simply strap the toe along with the adjoining finger, and allow it to heal slowly. But you really need to give it rest. (I used to think one could traipse around once the strapping was done, and even did that, till the doctor fired me and told me that putting my not inconsiderable weight on a strapped toe (as I stood around/walked around etc) is not called “giving it rest”.). I hope you feel Ok soon and that the toes heals fast.

    I guess sitting in the jhoola chair and having folks bring you tea etc , is highly recommended 🙂


    1. LOL, ya. My sis had one such injury sometime back and they had plastered it along with the other toe like u said 🙂 Thankfully, I dnt hv a plaster but ‘rest’ is the keyword and am unfortunately not able to do that 😦

      Ha ha ha! Now that helps 😛 😛 Thank u so much 🙂


  4. Wow, that jhoola….oooh I’m so so J now 🙂 But chai, no thank u, I’d rather go with coffee 🙂 And we aren’t bored at all, infact these ‘nothing’ posts make a very interesting read, swar. Btw, how did u drop THREE tavas? One, I understand, but Three? Or is that the name or something? But, seriously, I hope you feel better soon. Recover over Sunday and be back to your bubbly bouncy self on Monday Okie?


    1. LOL, u just made me realize one thing Pal! Hw much the place u live in gets into u 😀 I cud so nothing but filter kaapi when we were in Blr 🙂
      Even nw, kaapi is anyday my elixir, but chai is what comes on paper, whenever it’s on a regular basis.

      LOL, I wanted to write about that too. I had stacked all of them and was putting them in a single compartment in our stand 😛 So there! All three landed on the same toe unfortunately 😦

      Hugs Pal. Thank u so much 😀


  5. I see wallies on the wall!!
    Sorry abt the toe… Hope it gets better soon and u can step out of the house as much as u want. Love jhoolas and that’s such a sunny room.


  6. Hope your toe gets better…and the fever! Take care…

    And how can you not enjoy a day at home?? I crave for what I call ‘jammy days’…a day when I spend all day in pjs at home… bliss! 🙂


  7. Thats why elders told us to concentrate on one thing he he he aise karoge to yahi hoga na.. How is the toe now.. Hope its getting better…
    And the pics are beutiful flowers an jhoola and nail good
    Take care


  8. Awww get well soon 🙂
    The first pic is lovely. Would love to see the different stages of a mango tree…
    I love love love your jhula.. Wish I could be sitting on one now with a cup of coffee in one hand and a juicy book in the other… Siiiiighhhhhhhhhh


  9. oh you don’t like sitting at home doing nothing full day ? I just long for such a day…being at home all alone for full day and not having to do any work (including cooking or any other chores 🙂 ) and sitting infront of TV watching one movie after the other eating domino’s pizza delivered to home ….gosh..I so much miss my good old weekends before marriage and kid 🙂


  10. Three tawas 😮 and the toe survived? It’s one helluva strong toe 😀
    Take care of yourself, and entertain us with many more posts like this!


  11. Get well soon dear! I simply loved your favorite corner, and jhoola, and the orange paint and curtains, and balcony view!! Ahh…such a dream house..
    Loved the shadow play with screws! Came out really well! Enjoy the pampering time 😀


  12. wow.. all the snaps are too good, especially the last one 😛 I just like that jhoola very much. We are also planning to put it, but no idea when we will be able to do that


  13. Beautiful mango flowers and the just out mavadu….so tempting too…. 😛

    Ah…the nail and its reflection is brilliant too….

    Love ur most fav corner…..perfect place to de-stress !!!! 🙂

    Love ur title….of course its musical…. 😉


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