When thoughts speak

Itz amazing how we sometimes think of someone and they call us almost immediately like they read our mind from the distance. Or we feel like meeting someone and it materializes sooner than we expected.

One of my best friends C was due sometime in the second week of August. The day before yesterday, I had this instant urge to speak to her – it was almost 10 in the night.  I had spoken to her just few days before and she had told me doctor said they might wait for the full term.  She was not picking up the phone and I was telling Su how I had a feeling she has already delivered or was going to have a baby that day 😛  Well, I did not succeed in getting her over the phone and so decided to try yet again the next morning – thatz yesterday.  I was infact waiting eagerly for some earthly hour to talk to her and lo! We get a message @ around 4:45 saying she had delivered sometime back and both of  them were doing perfectly fine 🙂

I so felt like she must have been getting ready to go to the hospital and that news was conveyed to me miles across and I was feeling that she is gonna deliver soon. I am not even sure if this makes sense 😛 but it makes me feel so nice about such vibes 🙂 Friends are always in our thoughts and so are we in theirs. I am waiting for her to get home and see the pics now, esp. after her Mom told me excitedly that the baby looks sooo cute and red and added just like me too 😛  And this reminds me I had felt the same way when Monika delivered too!

Another couple in our friends circle are due this month too – on their wedding anniversary! Thatz sooo sweet no 🙂
Wishing all the new Moms and Dads the best of luck in their new journey 🙂 God bless!

P.S  I do have a strong belief that vibes travel far and wide. So, let’s all join in and pray for the speedy recovery of IHM’s daughter. God bless them all and hope she recovers soon.


    1. I don’t believe this..OMG..I don’t believe this…me first on Swar’s blog YAY !!!

      See now you can’t say that you’re not seeing me on your blog…I’m here I’m here 🙂


      1. yes the vibes do travel wide far and faster than we can even think…I wish IHM’s daughter a speedy recovery and loads of strength !

        You know what..whenever any of the females in my friend circle is carrying I get to know just by the vibes..something tells me even if the females herself hasn’t let the cat out…sacchi..

        it has happened with me almost now for 6 times…before the female could tell me I would ask her ‘are you pregnant? Just felt that’ and she would go haw…how do you know ?


  1. and that goes without saying that beware Swar 😉 I would get to know even if you don’t tell me 😀

    Hey by the how does your friends’ new arrival looks like you ??? :shocked:


    1. and my BFF from the bachpan days delivered a baby girl last Sunday 🙂

      BABY season it is I guess 🙂

      Congratulations Piyu 🙂


    1. First, Thank God, I am on top three…ufff…panting and wiping the sweat… 😉 😉 Its tough competition out here. 😉

      LOL ums 😛 yay for u 🙂

      Now to serious matter – prayers for IHM’s daughter are on everyone’s mind and thats the force which will heal her…I am sure she’ll come out fine, all healed and healthy.

      Hoping for the same!

      Vibes…yes, I do agree…its there and when we feel it, its amazing and we are awed. The distance doesn’t matter during those times. Am so happy that your friend delivered a healthy baby and all is fine with her.

      🙂 🙂 🙂

      When you keep thinking about someone for a long time, you get to know some vibes from them. Thats the moment you react to it. 🙂

      So true 🙂

      If this is kind of vibes among us -the virtual friends, then real friends have more vibes, right ???
      He he virtual is more real than real in this case no 😛


  2. 🙂 Yes, it is a very nice feeling when this happens. Shows people far away can still be very close.

    I do hope IHM’s daughter gets better soon, I did send prayers and positive energy and I feel (hope?) things will turn out alright with all of our wishes


  3. True, have felt the vibe…but usually with bad news 😦 I’m not feeling anything…so am hoping it means IHM’s daughter is ok. And yes, collective thoughts are very powerful.

    Loved the way you have expressed in this post.


  4. Heyyy, the other day, I was in office and thinking about you; donno, it started with ARR and then my thoughts went to that Hyd concert and it ended up with you. Just then, I received your gtalk message and I was like ” Ohh, think of the devil and the devil herself pings you ” 😀 😀 😀


    1. Ya ya What else cn I expect from u 😛
      happens with me every time u know – I am thinking abt some demon or pishachi and u ping me immediately 😉


  5. I so relate to this. I’ve felt those vibes a whole lot of times. And it feels amazing, I know. 🙂
    Don’t follow IHM’s blog, so don’t know what’s up with her daughter. Going there right away.


  6. true, i used to get dreams like that, of my dear ones. Not like they are delivering, something that is abt to happen to them, will come as a sort of dream to me..

    Now dont assume, i’m Psychic


  7. this used to be my case once upon a time.
    but now i guess , am half depressed or worried, and so these things no longer happen to me ….

    have u noticed telepathy and all work only when you are truly happy ?


  8. vibes are definitely there between the closed ones.. i have felt it few times in my life…
    babies are priceless… IHM’s daughter will be in my prayers…


  9. I am with Ms. Rays.. No vibes for me. But I still do believe in them and that a few people are more tuned in than others and do feel the vibes. So you are one of the special peoples who listen and understand what the energy around is telling you 🙂


  10. So true Swaram!! Its amazing how we have mental telepathy sometimes…I cannot wait to deliver though everyone keeps telling me life is going to get even harder after that with two young kids but I just want to be done with pregnancy and all its associated aches and pains 😦


      1. Nahin nahin dont be scared hehee….there are varying levels of pregnancy torture and some people have
        no problems at all….and it is ALL worth it when you hold that cuttttttteee infant at the end of it :))))


  11. I have also had similar experiences…An example is:
    My best friend had got married recently and after about 1.5 weeks I was wondering why she was not calling me over phone….Amazingly, the same day, I got a ring from her saying she is in town with her hubby and what more, she even came down with him to meet me!!

    I think this mental telepathy works with people who are really close to our heart.


  12. I can so relate to what you are saying. Many times, I’ll have an instinct about a couple of people I love, and even in the smallest of things, they turn out the same way.

    Weird, yes, but it makes me happy! 🙂


  13. Not sure of the vibes (like Divz and Comfy) but yeah I have something very similar, a very strong sixth sense 😀 😀

    So good to hear your friend and her baby are doing fine 🙂

    My prayers and best wishes for IHM’s family and her daughter’s speedy recovery.


  14. I have felt moments like that..felt and it happened with close ones. And at this moment I hope all our prayers together will reach out to IHM’s daughter and save her…
    Have been away for some time…have to read all ur old blogs.


  15. What a connection! Nice to hear abt these things! 😀 It happens to those you are close with and I guess this shows that you are in each others thoughts! 🙂 Yes, and I hope all our positive vibes reach IHM’s daughter soon and she recovers! Ameen!


  16. I left a comment on this post, but it disappeared. 😦

    Anyways, I was saying that I have experienced that ‘connection’ you talk about quite a lot of times. It’s an amazing feeling. 🙂

    I will pray for IHM’s daughter to get well soon, too!


  17. I called my friends after such a long time. I somehow felt that I must talk to them. The guy picked up and told me that he was just typing out the SMS to all friends regarding the birth of his baby boy. Great timing, huh?


  18. Hello!

    Congrats to ur friend and the kid:) , I can totally understand such vibes, afterall we all share this mysterious , wonderfully wierd planet 🙂 There are things that cannot be explained but felt, this one is such 😛

    So refreshing to read you (r words) , Take care 🙂



  19. It is nice to have good close friends, Swaram! You are a caring person and that is the reason your instinct tells you about their well being!

    Best wishes for all the new mom and dads!

    Hope IHM’s daughter is home now.


  20. Oh yeah has happened to me plenty of times, especially with mom.. whenever I pick the phone to call her, she usually ends up calling me.. there definitely is some connection with friends and family..


  21. I generally do not feel them…I couldn’t see mine coming out one month in advance 🙂
    but monemets like these give so much happiness and sweet meanings..


  22. I think I am the only one who is not in tune with her inner self 😉 I never have these moments ! Your friends are lucky to have a sweet friend like you 🙂


  23. indeed seems to be a baby boom.. my cousin’s in india both had Baby boys week ago .. and now i have to pack my bags and head for my village for the party timeee…



  24. True Swaram 🙂
    Congrats to your friend.
    Sad to hear abt IHM’s daughter. Havent been able to access many of the sites and am off the net from quite a few days. Praying for them.


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