1. First 🙂

    This is so beautiful Swaram. The web of life. one can spin a poem around it. Will give it a try. I love spiders , wonder which one is this !!!


    1. Thanks Starry .. we stopped for tea @ a resort on our way to a place called Nandyal here in A.P .. I spotted it there while I ws roaming in the garden 🙂


  2. Wednesdays come so fast! This photograph is so beautiful. The design on the body of the spider and the colour combination, vah vah! Looks like a Rajasthani mud pot upside down, with beautiful designs!


  3. Very nicely taken pic. Is it Su ????? 😉

    Now you see, Su being obsessed with his SLR, is giving rise to this new WW series…. LOL 😉


  4. Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    How did you get hold of this pic ? I mean where did u take it ? did u take it or Su ? A woooonnnderfulllllll capture 🙂


    1. We stopped for tea @ a resort on our way to a place called Nandyal here in A.P .. I spotted it there while I ws roaming in the garden .. and ya, Su took the pic 🙂 Thanks Lavs 🙂


    1. Thanks so much Ambulisamma .. since I put up all my snow, sand and sea pics on my travel posts, I hv to look for other things here 😛


  5. Spinning the web of life 😀 😀
    That’s an amazing looking spider with a body like a shell on top. I haven’t seen a spider of this kind before 🙂 🙂


  6. as a character..spiderman is my fav 🙂 but as an organism..me dreaded by them..have u seen archinophobia movie??!!!! i saw it wen i was a kid and since then..say no to spider for me!!


  7. i hope thts a radioactive spider! coz i would love to get myself bitten by one of those!
    wouldnt it be cool if u could have super powers like spider man?

    AWesome! 🙂


      1. well thts coz u r faster thn a speeding bullet when it comes to putting up new posts..since i haven’t got any of my super powers yet,its takes me a long time to keep up with the pace..
        ahh..the things we mere mortals have to endure sigh 😦


        1. Ohhhhh okkkkk … But u hv nt been here for quite sometime 😛
          I cn understand if u read one and leave out 3 more 😉 😉

          Anyways, what did u gift that child finally huh?


  8. Wow! What is with this National Geographic like photography everywhere!? Not fair!
    Very nice by the way, where was this?


  9. so this W.W. still continues, huh? sigh ! 😦

    you guys wont give privacy for spiders even ??? Btw, is this one that bit Peter Parker?


  10. Hey.. first timer here… Your pic somewhere communicates the basic feeling we all go through – “the caught in the mesh/web of life’ feeling… i agree with Tikuli that it’s a perfect ‘poem’ inspiring pic! 🙂 .. Awesome feed :))


  11. Beautiful pic swaram !! Specially the web, It looks so clear !!
    And the spider, too looks amazing (Ahem….only in the picture, in reality I am scared of them :-))


  12. Lovely! What camera do you use? Are you seriously into photography?
    I love the whole concept of ‘wordless wednesday’. I`m getting inclined to start one of my own, with all due credit to you and provided you give me permission of course! :):)


    1. Hey Piper .. we use Nikon-D40 with different lens 🙂
      Its a hobby .. both of us luv it and head out if we get a chance for something 🙂

      And I see that u already hv a clarification and thanks for that moment of glory 😛 😛


  13. I didnt know that wordless wednesday was something of a trend on the blogosphere! :):) I saw someone put it up too and then read up some more about it! All this while, I was thinking it was your concept totally! :):) So, if my previous comment didnt make any sense, I hope now it does :):)

    (Piper retreats quietly – feeling awfully stupid!)


    1. This ws taken by Su, Deeps .. just stopped there for tea on our journey to a Nandyala in A.P 🙂
      Found this in the garden there 🙂


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