Wise And Otherwise: A Salute To Life

I have always been impressed with Sudha Murthy’s writing, rather by Sudha Murthy herself.  Her writing is simple, has a down-to-earth feel and you can so relate to the characters in her work.  As is mentioned in the foreword of one of her books, she writes not with the pen, but with her heart. Her writing strike a chord and touch ur heart.

While I was browsing through flipkart looking for ‘Red Carpet‘, my eyes fell upon one of her books ‘Wise And Otherwise: A Salute To Life‘, which was on my must-read list for a long time and I am not sure how and when it had slipped of my mind 😛 I ordered it immediately and reading through the book, which are real-life incidents penned down beautifully by the author are so refreshing and motivate us to do something in life.  There are 51 vignettes showcasing the different shades of human nature. There are tales about people who leave their parents in a old age home, claiming that they found them by the roadside, to tribals from whom the author takes a lesson or two home and so on.  Tales about strong-willed unwed mothers, a vegetable vendor who is in a hurry to get home as her husband would be waiting for her advice with sowing seeds in their garden … the stories of these successful women cannot not bring a wide grin on ur face 😀

Book: Wise & Otherwise [Non-fiction]

Price: Rs.199/-

This book does drive home the fact [yet again] that life itself is a message and is the best teacher indeed, if we are ready to learn from it. Its a light read and those few hours are totally worth investing!

I had read her books Dollar Bahu [hv even heard this was made into a show on ZeeTV??] and Mahaswetha before.

Dollar Bahu is a tale about two daughters-in-law, one of them the apple of her MIL’s eye, being the wife of her NRI son and the other one – a simple,homely girl who is doing her best to keep her MIL happy, but fails to do so just because her husband does not earn in dollars.  How the MIL realizes that grass is always greener on the other side and that its the heart which matters and not dollars, forms the crux of the story. Its a nice one .. I won’t say gr8, as I found her other books better than this one!

Book: Dollar Bahu [Fiction]

Price: Rs.150/-

Mahaswetha is an out-n-out winner. It is just another simple story of a girl-next-door, Anupama who finds her Prince Charming in a smart and successful Dr. Anand and it appears that life could not have been more beautiful. Things change when Anupama discovers she is suffering from leukoderma and what leaves her in shock is that she does not find support in her ‘doting’ husband. Its about all that she goes through while fighting with her condition and trying to carve a niche for herself at the same time. Its a truly touching tale in which she comes out strong and emerges as a woman of substance. This book has had a positive effect in one case … a boy who had called off his marriage when his fiance was diagnosed with leukoderma after their engagement, read this book and changed his mind. They are now living happily. A must read for sure.

Book: Mahashweta [Fiction]

Price: Rs.150/-

I have also ordered for 2 more of her books  – Gently Falls The Bakula and The Old Man And His God: Discovering The Spirit Of India. Am eagerly waiting for the same. Until then, its time for ‘The Red Carpet’ 8)

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  1. Can’t agree more.. I have read both Dollar Bahu and Wise n Otherwise 🙂 I too admire her simple writing yet so effective to pamper the reader to do something different.


  2. Good Review Swaram..

    I totally agree with you.. Her writing is awesome.. I have read Mahaswetha.. its too good and very well written. Best part is she uses simple language to pass on the message, which everone can understand. I have bought Dollar Bahu, but not yet got time to read the book..


  3. Oh yaay, Thank you so much! I have never read Sudha Murthy but her books sound very interesting. I was craving to read a good book so am super glad for your recommendation. Off I go to the library tomorrow 🙂


    1. Hmm some of them .. but all experiences she hs hd and as she says, if we travel arnd and more than that see around, we will ‘see’ such things too 🙂


  4. You made my job a lot easier dear…was wondering which book to pick up next…almost forgot that ‘Dollar Bahu’ has been on my list from like…forever!!

    I’ve heard a lot about Sudha Murthy… high time I read her! 🙂


  5. I am so happy to be reading this post. Sudha Murthy is a woman of substance and I am so eager to read her books now.

    Oh she is Ums 🙂

    I once got a Tamil version of her book to my mil – dont remember which one. But I couldnt get to read it.

    Oh i c .. ya, some of her books r found in many languages 🙂

    All the stories seem to be a source of confidence for the women and its really good that she has written quite a lots. 🙂
    Exactly Ums! By the, of the and for the woman 😉


  6. ‘I have always been impressed with Sudha Murthy’s writing, rather by Sudha Murthy herself. ‘ – Me too! There is something about her that is so simple and yet so grand. I haven’t read any of her books yet – but these go on my list 🙂 I plan to pick them up in India this time. Am so waiting to read her books.


    1. Its nice Mons .. but I liked Mahasweta better 🙂 and the ones with her real life experiences r really nice .. makes one believe in life and in oneself 🙂

      And abt too many books, so so true. I finished reading Red Carpet in just a single day .. got it delivered the day before and over sday 😉 Another review and ppl wil think I hv got some review-fever. So, nt gonna review that one 😉 Nice read it was though and nostalgic .. hvng been set in Bangalore 🙂


  7. I’m yet to read any of Sudha Murthy’s books. But your review makes me want to lay my hands on all three of the above mentioned ones ASAP.


  8. I too respect Sudha Murthy so much that I had posted her life-story loong back 😀
    How I wish u had posted this review earlier…I cd have picked these book from India when I was there 😦
    All the reviews sound really good!!!!


  9. Dang! I’ve been turning Landmark upside down for her books and they’re lying on flipkart? Let me go order my copies right away!


  10. Wow! this post reveals how much you are enjoying reading as well as reviewing books 😀 😀
    That was a wonderful review Swar, tempting me to get hold of those books right away 🙂

    Keep ’em coming girl!!


    1. Reading hs always been a passion .. and I ws somehw nt able to review the books 😛 😛 Some kind of block only for review posts 😉 Glad that I am able to share it with ppl nw 🙂


  11. Swaram even i have not read any of Sudha Murthy’s work …..going by your review her work sounds very interesting.I wish this post was here a week back…ghy book fair just ended last week.I am going to my favorite book store this Thursday and sure going to get the books you suggested here.Thanks for sharing this,you are wonderful !!


  12. Hmm…let me for once comment like normal ones who comment in yours and Smitas book reviews :

    “Your review makes me feel like reading them right now. I am going to buy these books as soon as I finish commenting here. Siddha Murthy is too good an author; oh its Sudha Murthy, is it ? Ok Ok, Sudha Murthy is too good an author ”

    Phew !


  13. I’ve read Wise and otherwise and liked it..As you mentioned the language is simple and the characters are something which we can relate to…
    I remember also reading something like grand fathers tales or something like that..not sure if it is her book or not..


  14. gr8 reviews swaram…. 🙂 now u r tempting me to read them …. I have always admired NRN …. So let me next admire his better half 🙂


  15. Agree with you completely on the simple and down to earth style… just finished her collection of short short stories – The bird with golden wings and the other one is waiting to be opened – the old man and his god…


  16. i have always wanted to pick up her books and didnt end up doing it! will defi do it one of the days!!

    nice reviews! liked!



  17. U r on roll swaram…reading so many books.. 🙂
    And here i m burried deep under my certification books 😦 😦
    I read dollar bahu and liked it..


    1. Its always been like that Rash .. I spend so much on books and CDs .. totally worth I feel 🙂 Just that I never got arnd to reviewing them before 😛


  18. I like Sudha Murthy’s books, and Div is presently immersed in The Magic Drum. Her writing is very simple and brings the point home in a clear, quick way. Must check out Dollar Bahu.


  19. I like Sudha Murthy the person more than the author. Have read ‘Wise and Otherwise’, ‘Dollar Bahu’ & ‘Gently falls the Bakula’ all in between some heavy stuff I was reading. They were nice, positive & made for light reading.


    1. I am yet to read Gently falls. I respect her a lot as a person and like her as an author 🙂 Nice that she shares all her experiences with people 🙂


  20. At last you have posted the book reviews Swaram… I told you na… you should do this more often considering the amount of books you are reading… it will surely give an idea for me to what to read and what not to read… 🙂 🙂

    I wanted to buy one of the Sudha Murthy’s book titled Some ‘old man’ last friday but decided to buy some other time…

    after your recommendation I think I will pick up her book soon 🙂 🙂

    The reviews are short and precise… do more 🙂 🙂


    1. LOL Kanagu .. I did one before this one too .. u hv nt read that one probably 😉

      And I am glad I gave it a try … I am hvng so much reviewing them .. prob as much as I do reading them 🙂


  21. I have all her books and love her writings!! My fav is Gently Falls the Bakula!! One of her best works!!

    As far as I remember none of her works were originally written in English 🙂

    As far as this book is concerned the one story story which has remained with me forever was the son leaving his father at the old age home!!! Somehow all her stories touch a chord na!!!

    Lovely reviews 🙂


    1. Oh wow! U hv all of them!
      I am waiting to read Gently falls too 🙂
      That story really touched me too too Smita and the one in which the tribal tells her about the humility in receiving! Awesome!


  22. Nice! I have read only Mahashweta by her, and I thought it was very well written. I have heard of Dollar bahu, and with your synopsys, I actually think I should pick it up!
    Have fun with all the reading 🙂


  23. Hey Swaram, I am not sure why but I did not find her writing very impressive. It is probably because I expected too much from her books owing to the amazing personality that she is. I’ve liked Mahasweta up to some extent but not the others.
    Oh ok!

    But Hey! I agree to every word you have written about the lady herself. 🙂
    Did you know that when she was working for the Tatas, she went up to JRD Tata himself and asked an explanation about some rules that did not allow her to work like she wanted only because she was a woman. What fearless daring!
    Ya heard abt it many times and read it in almost all her interviews too 🙂


  24. Wow that was an excellent review. Need to pick one of those after I finihs my current Jeffary Archer reading..


  25. I had watched ‘Dollar Bahu’ serial, long back. Sudha Murthy’s biography and her stories were published in Ananda Vikatan, the famous Tamil weekly, some years back, like a weekly serial. I enjoyed reading them. She is a great lady. I have read that she has opened many libraries in small small towns throughout Karnataka too. She is a simple and down to earth lady, which is very rare to find in these days, Swaram.

    Will get the books shortly…you have reviewed them beautifully.


    1. Oh I hv only read abt that serial Sandhya .. hv nt seen it 🙂
      She hs done a lot of work @ the grass root level Sandhya and visits the needy personally .. wonderful person indeed!

      Thanks Sandhya 🙂


  26. 🙂 goodiee another review 🙂
    😛 😛
    As a person Sudha murthy seems to be an extremely humble and a strong woman but as a writer I wasn’t impressed.
    Oh ok .. I like her writing 🙂

    I have read her Gently falls the Bakula. When I picked this book Appa gave me a derogatory look and said you’ll not like it 😀 I wanted to prove him wrong but alas, couldnt!

    Oh naanu odilla; but hv read its one of her best 😛 Ivathe nalhe ne I will get the book 😉

    I had a lot of expectations from her writing. But was disappointed. I found her to be very predictable and the plot kept slipping. Not sure if I’ll read any of her other books :p
    Oh the book I hv reviewed here is of her real life experiences .. so plot ella enu iralla .. may be u cn try this one 😛

    If you are looking for Indian writing suggest you to read Anita Desai. My current favorite 🙂
    Oh, I luved Lavanya Sankaran’s writing … full Blr nalli set stories in Red Carpet 🙂
    Chitra Banerjee is my current fav …. wil get some of Anita Desai 😀


    1. Have you tried Anita Nair, I love her Ladies Coupe and also Mistress…
      Chitra Divakarunni is my all time fav…
      I have not had the patience for Kiran Desai but her mom’s writings are really good… Have to try Sudha Murthy…


  27. NOTED! amazing review and at the right time, when needed some books recommendaton now..soon, I will be done with Jeffery archer’s “KANE & ABEL” and will want to dig in more in Landmark!!!!


  28. thus far I had only admired Sudha Murthy as the great force behind Narayan Murthy, and had not known of her writing! After that shameful admission, I’d like to alos admit that I’m not surprised that this great woman would be capable of such lovely , sensitive works! And yes like Vimmuu said…I do actually want to buy her book NOW after reading ur review! Lol!

    (Haila! the prev comment was mine too pls cud u put up this one as that was with my mail id ! tch!)


  29. Another book review…good good…
    🙂 🙂
    I haven’t read any of her books, like the sounds of Mahaswhetha and Wise n otherwise, will order and read and let u know…
    Sure 🙂
    I’ve been a fan of her articles that come in the papers n magazines..can’t agree more, she has a beautiful style of writing which definitely comes and leads to the heart
    Oh ya ..I know she writes but hv never read any of them 😛

    and i got an award…hee hee thank u sweets..
    My pleasure dear 🙂



  30. Now these books has to added to my book shopping list when i come to hyd.Heard about sudha murthy from my mom .


      1. I wanted to come in june but hubby won’t come with us,he can come with us only in dec.So maybe in dec we all will come


  31. like many others have already said here, the books sound damn interesting, never knew Sudha Murthy wrote (ya, I know, ignoramus, me)

    going to buy Mahaswetha, as per your reco to Divz


  32. Very nice review Swaram. Like the others, even I didn’t know she had written so many books, and good ones in that. I will begin my quest now :-)))


    1. Oy, which of these are in Inglis? I just placed a reservation for ‘Mahashweta’ in my library, and then realised it was either Malayalam or Kannada?


  33. I haven’t read her books, but I did read about her and I still am amazed at the beauty of her soul! Amazing person.


  34. Books mēlē books mēlē booksu. Odhakkē maathra time sikthaa illa. A few more books queued to be read. Thanks. There are a few people who strike you with their simplicity. Sudha Murty is one.


  35. Me 2. I think it is wonderful how the women came up so well in life, when all they had was an aim to do something. Now, we have all the facilities … but …


  36. i haven’t read any of her books so far ..nor I knew about her books …and there was a serial over it by same name ..how can I miss any serial name ..that’s truly a shame for serial buff like me ..hmmm
    ok let me see if I can grab copy…I like reading the book and them comparing them with the movie/serial based on it ..


    1. LOL Vandana .. hw ws the serial? I hv always loved books more than their adaptations. Somehw, I wander off to their land while reading a book .. does nt happen to me with a movie 😛 😛


      1. I didn’t see this serail…I have seen movies and then read the book ..yeah I do agree somehow book does come out on top …except Harry Potter books 🙂
        I love watching those movies than going through book


  37. hey swaram! thanks for visiting my blog and liking the sidebar! 🙂
    sorry for such a late reply. i was planning to drop in but didnt get time. so finally i am here 🙂
    i too absolutely adore the book “wise and otherwise”. such a simple read yet thought provoking, the bits from experiences of life of Sudha Murthy are really touching. in fact i recommended this book to many people. i absolutely agree with you that she doesnt write with a pen but from her heart and that truly reflects in her writing. 🙂
    and as for the blog…….the name gives such positive vibes “the song of life” ……really nice!
    hope to drop in again when i get time.


  38. That is one woman whom I admire a lot. It is amazing how grounded she is. I have read most of her books and “Gently Falls the Bakula” is one of my favorites 🙂


  39. Yeah, she’s an admirable lady indeed. I’ve read most of her books, and they’re lovely. While they’re not high literature, they’re good stories, with strong messages. Wish she would write more. And now I want to read her books in Kannada, the originals. *thumbs up*


  40. This was mah 1st book by sudha murthy and i serously fell in love with her writing ….it wsa the most amazing and eye opening book on humanity ….It displayed that not everything is bad in india thers good people also there dng good things to others . ……I have recommended the book to every1 i know 🙂


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