Made my day :) – Post5

Today is Amma-Daddy’s 30th wedding anniversary 🙂 . Amma-Daddy; that’s how sis and me address them! I used to call him Papa before and loved it that way too, but this silly girl  born after me started calling him Appa Daddy and I wonder when it became Daddy for both of us! Anyway, I digress.

So today, they complete 30 years of married life and many more years of knowing each other, but still debate as to who was the one who proposed first 😛  Mom’s siblings tell me she was the one who told my grandpa that she wanted to marry Daddy 😉  Look at the coincidence! Dad and Mom knew each other since their childhood!  MIL and FIL stayed on the same street when they were kids  [and I am told they played hopping and catching together too ;)] and our families [Su and mine] knew each other for years before we got married 😀  There! I digress again:roll:

30 years of cooking together, cleaning together, fighting with each other and then supporting the other if we sisters took one of their sides, but through all of it loving, caring and respecting each other. If ever I wish something for Su and me, it’s that we should be like them always and forever – still so much in love with each other like they were probably on Day1 🙂 I know every child feels the same 🙂

Oh well!  What made my day extra special today was  the morning conversation I had with Daddy when I called to wish them. After all the wishes and the routine talks, Daddy asked me with great concern ‘Putti, you have been so busy of late with different activities. I hope you are not neglecting your blog’. Awww, how I loved this. I told him not at all and added that infact I was doing the NaBloPoMo too. Ya, he knows what  it is. My entire family is blog-literate now 😉  Then he said, ‘Very nice. U write so well; never give up this one thing in life, come what may’.

Totally sweet isn’t it 🙂 It’s little joys like these which make life worth living don’t they 🙂  Thank u so much Dad and Mom for just being what you are because that is my greatest blessing in itself 🙂 Wish you both remain as much in love forever 🙂 God bless!

Oh btw, can u take a guess about the contents of this vessel?

Scroll down for the answer











Not only did Dad’s love inspire me to write a post immediately, but also made me immerse myself in such a blissful state that I forgot all about my chai on the stove and here you see the result 😉 Even now, only the chssssss sound was what made me don my detective hat and rush around hunting for the source 😉

Worth losing a cup of chai though 😀


    1. first of all wishing amma and daddy a very happy 30th wedding anniversary and many many more years of love,care and togetherness full of fighting,cooking and being there for each other 😉

      He he !THanks Nu 😀

      I so know what you mean when you say that this one thing you wish for yourself and Su…to be like your parents…yes every fortunate child like us wishes the same for their own married life 🙂 Amen to that…may you and Su too have a great and happy long life together Swar,hugs !

      Aww wishing u both the same too Nu 😀

      Oh that is burnt chai ???? 😯 you know when I was trying to take a guess I thought it’s a chocolate cake in making 😉 lol…

      Ha ha ha ha! First time in my life that I did something like that 😉

      P.S.- I love daddy more than papa 😉 so YAY to the sister for changing your mind 😉


      P.P.S.- I just came here to check a reply to my comment on yesterday’s post and viola..saw this post and hey I’m first 😀 The reader is yet to update me with this one 🙂 so the trick is to keep refreshing your blog page and not solely depend on the reader 😉 lol

      Ha ha ha! Awesome 😀 How sweet of u to check replies too 😀

      P.P.P.S-I’m so jealous that your family is blog literate 😦 this side they just know that I write on screen and that I’ve a groups of bloggers whom now I call friends…and that’s that,sigh ! Only my maternal grannny reads my blog posts though not that regularly !!! But so what…someday even I’ll brag about my family being blog literate 😉 cheers to daddy for asking you if you’re updating your blog regularly 🙂

      Aww ur granny does 🙂
      I so miss my granny 😦


  1. Happy Anniversary to Aunty and Uncle! 🙂 🙂

    I call my parents Amma and daddy too!! Same pinch! 😉

    You boiled down chai like that?!!! 😯 hehe!!
    Amma asks me the same thing – “Why are you neglecting the blog?”! 😀 😀

    I also seriously hope that we have a marriage just like my folks do… 🙂


    1. He he yes I did! I threw it away and then regretted not having tasted it 😉
      Who knows? I could have patented some tea chocolate 😉

      Aww amen Pix 😀


  2. This was so much fun to read. And you need to check out who stays in your lane/down the road/in your apartment complex etc. Who knows, sometimes in Feb 2031 someone will write a similar post and rave about what a wonderful blogger her/his Mom is…. I guess Hopscotch isnt Hot these days, so may be it will be FB or blogs.

    My anniversary greetings and namaskars to your Amma-Daddy…….


  3. Happy Anniversary to uncle and aunty…. 🙂
    That was such a cure post… How sweet of uncle to encourage you for blogging and he’s absolutely right there… You are a wonderful writer and always keep writing…. 🙂
    That Chai looks like chocolate cake batter… 😀


  4. Missed your blog for long time.
    Doing NAbloPoMo is very good.
    Wishing your parents a very happy anniversary.
    Once this happened to when kept A’s kanji in stove and i had to part with the vessel.


  5. Totally loved the post. A very Happy Anniversary to your Amma and Daddy. That’s how Mint and my bro in law refer to their parents too 🙂

    I thought that chai was some dough for a cake you planned to bake for the parents 😛

    You doing the NaBloPoMo? Awesome! Wish I had the inspiration and determination to follow it as well. For now, I can just follow and enjoy your blog though


  6. Happy anniversary to your parents 🙂 That was a lovely post! Your case is a perfect example of ‘history repeats’ isn’t it.

    Btw I thought that vessel had chocolate sauce .. and you polished it off completely! sheesh! 🙂

    Good luck with the nablopomo.. I salute you for your enthu. Will try to come by and cheer.


    1. LW, I was just planning to call u soon and here u r 🙂
      How r u dng? Ws missing u here and on ur blog. Get bk to writing soon pls 🙂 🙂

      Thank u so much 🙂


  7. LOL, that was chai? I thought you were making some yummy brownie mix or something 😉
    A very happy anniversary to your parents 🙂 And lets hear yours and Su’s story too , soon 😉


  8. Happy anniversary to ur mom and dad.

    That was burnt chai,i was thinking like pinky u too have a habit of eating boost in a bowl rather than drinking it 😉


  9. WOWO.. Now thats some coincidence 🙂 everyone knowing the other during childhood great great …

    HERES wishing Parents a Very happy anniversary .. and yes many many many more to come

    BUT PLEASE MAKE sure you rmemeber the CHAI on the fire.. dont want anymore of those hazrds taking place 🙂

    And yes you indeed write very well 🙂


    1. Ha ha sure that Bik! Will keep it in mind 😀 This ws a first and hopefully the last too 😉 Unless Dad decides on a googly again 😛 😛

      Aww thank u 😉


  10. That’s how we refer to Amma and Daddy though Amma is shortened to Ammu and Daddy to Dadda..
    Wow… happy celebrations and that’s just the way every child feels, to be like their parents… and wonderful parents in the making 🙂 🙂

    Loved the post 🙂 Hugs Girl


    1. Goodness, that chai… like Nu, it was the curiosity of what it that you are making that made me hop from FB to here… and it turned out to be burnt chai and not chocolate sauce or cake or a fudge or …
      Ahaaaaaaa! 😛 😛


  11. Anniversary wishes to Uncle and Aunty!

    Their story sounds like my parent’s story 🙂 They knew each other growing up too, and they are known as the perfect couple across our cousins 🙂 And as far as I remember, I always wanted a marriage just like my parents!

    Although I don’t call them Amma-Daddy- Poohi calls us Amma-Daddy 🙂

    This was such a lovely post, Swar! I can see that I have loads of reading to do – will try and catch up with the rest of the posts tomorrow. You are doing the NaBloPoMo? Wow! I wish I had joined you too!

    And that chai looks just like chocolate cake batter.


    1. Aww pls tell Poohi that aunty passes on a ‘same-pinch’ and loads of hugs to her 🙂

      Thanks so much Smithu and am so glad to have u bk. Cnt tell u hw much u were missed 🙂

      Join in even now Smithu. It will be gr8 fun 🙂

      He he I know 😛 😛


  12. What a coincidence. My parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this January.

    I thought u made some chocolate cake for them, looking at the contents of the vessel.


  13. Awww that’s such a sweet, sweet post 🙂
    Many many happy returns of the day to Uncle and Aunty. They sound like such a lovely couple – made for each other types. Hope they had a great day! 🙂
    And awww for the entire family being blog literate – I wish I could have that in my family 😦
    LOL @ the chai getting burnt. I thought that was chocolate cake when I saw the pics first..


  14. belated anniversary wishes to your parents ..
    I didn’t get update about ur fresh posts and i see so many of them now ..

    that’s chai ??..i could have never guessed…first thought chocolate cake then guessed something burning but chai my god …that pan is gone


  15. Happy Anniversary to Uncle and Aunty !!!

    I address my parents as amma – daddy as well !! My mother loved to be addressed as mommy / mamma but somehow I was never convinced !

    My girls address us as amma – appa … but lately the older one takes pride in saying mummyji 🙂


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