Every picture has a tale to tell! …… Day6

We had been to Gangtok in August’06. Thanks to Mom who recommended this place for our honeymoon … Paradise!  The guest house we stayed in was very close to the official quarters of Mom’s company. A few of her colleagues in the Gangtok branch, came to meet us and congratulate us on our wedding. One among them was Shyam Bhaiyya. It was kind of an instant connection we had with people there, esp. with Shyam Bhaiyya … whose hearts are as lofty as the snow peaks there but as humble as can be! Shyam Bhaiyya volunteered himself to drive us around Gangtok saying that the tour agents may eat a lot of money and more importantly, may miss showing us some beautiful spots.

He took extra care to look for a nice Veg. restaurant for us @ every point when we were busy sight-seeing! And when he invited us for dinner @ his place, it was a feast of some of the best local delicacies – one I wil never forget in my life! A local variety of egg-plant, some green leafy vegetable which I had never tasted before and so on. After our dinner, we had a nice time chatting away to glory. Shyam Bhaiyya’s wife is as social and nice as he is and his 3 sons Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram are gr8 for company! Even his Mother, who was 85 yrs old ❗ was in the discussion well into midnight … this when all she could speak and understand was Nepalese! They translated everything she wanted to say and know and we just luvvvved her company.

When we were leaving, Shyam Bhaiyya’s wife gave us a beautiful hand-knitted show-piece, which she had made specially for us.  Following her,  their son Satyam [he was in 6th or 7th then I think] said he also wanted to gift us something and gave us this sketch. He had shown us his sketches earlier that day and we had liked them so much; esp. this one.  He said he had made this specially for his Mom, as he loved her sooo much.  Still, he wanted to give us this sketch as it was his favourite one and we had loved it 🙂

This is easily one of the best gifts I have ever received in my life … so much love and warmth oozing out of it 🙂 Sigh! Such precious memories are what stay with us eternally … prized possessions indeed 🙂 There are so so many things money can’t buy!


  1. Satyam, Shivam Sundaram…. really! 😀 😀

    Yup …There are so many things money can’t buy,
    for others there is always our own master card 😛
    Priceless 😀 😀


  2. Ohh when I have my next set of kids i will also name them on some movie 😛 that’s really cool names. Was your Shyam bhaiyaa a Zeenat Aman bhakth??? 🙄

    frame that sketch girl…it’s precious!!


      1. Exactly Sands, thatz my reaction too 😛

        Saksh, r u expecting Seeta aur Geeta or Ram or Shaam or Om Shanti Om 😯

        Gee am nt sure if he is her fan … am sure he is Bhabhi’s fan though 😉 😉


          1. NO no no .. I cn do with some more cracked pieces actually …. but err, wat abt Mr.B .. hw wud he manage soooo many 😉 😉

            Saksh, so when r u giving us some gud news 😛


      1. Delete which one 😛 😛

        He he .. Shru, there wil be nothing to hide when it is time 🙂 There are many posts abt kids rt from the start no 😉 😉


  3. Aww..what a memory to cherish 🙂 And the boy sketches well 🙂

    Feelings and emotions flow whichever direction our heart lets it flow..even if that means a one day relationship or a lifetime relationship 🙂


  4. Thanks for sharing one of yours very precious memories ….. its a very sweet story.Satyam is sure a very talented boy…the sketch is beautiful.

    Gangtok is one of my most favorite holidays destination.


  5. Loved the Post!!! Loved the Names!!! Loved the gift!!! Yeap girl U right…., while all of us love the ‘materialistic’ gifts its usually the non-materialistic ones that remains close to heart!


    1. Not every human being is like u Vimmuuu 😛 😛
      And the boy is nt possessive abt his stuff like u r … nt that u sketch anyways 😡


  6. What a beautiful sketch it is 🙂
    Satyam is indeed a wonderful artist and that was such a wonderful gesture to gift his favorite sketch 😀 😀


  7. That’s one lovely sketch. He must reeeeely love his mom! 🙂

    And the names… wonder if they named them all after the the third one was born!! 😀 😀 Else, how did they know it’d be 3 boys? 😉 They aren’t triplets, are they? 😀

    And Swar, are you sure he ‘wanted’ to gift it to you? 😀 Kids that age? really? no pressure on him at all? no chocolaty bribes? 😀 😀 😀 😀


  8. That’s a lovely gift and I love those boy’s names also. Like Bajpai asked, is the dad/mom/gran a Zeenat fan?? 🙂 Jokes apart, a 6th/7th grader sketched that?? Amazing talent isn’t it?


  9. Awww….soooo sweet. Its simple people like these who really touch our lives 🙂 God bless all of them, you for sharing such a heart-warming post 🙂


  10. That sketch looks beautiful, Swaram. Yes, these things are precious.

    I liked the names, Sathyam, Shivam, Sundaram! Gangtok! You were lucky to go to that unusual place, Swaram, I have heard a lot about that place.


  11. wow! so graceful a gesture, in someone so young!
    i don’t want to think about what I was like at age 7, when it came to giving away prized possessions *shudders*


  12. How true…some things’ worth just cannot be measured…like here…the love…the humbleness…the innocence of the little kid…all of them are simply priceless 🙂


  13. The sketch is lovely!! Such a gift from a child …..so precious!!
    Wow, Gangtok….Thanks to blog buddies……..there are so many places in India that I want to travel to!!


  14. And for everything else… there’s master card? 😛
    But yes, that s a wonderful gift. I still remember my childhood sketches, which are still very close to my heart.


  15. That is indeed precious! And for a little boy to do it so spontaneously is amazing!

    He seems very talented too!

    There are so many things which money can’t buy..


  16. Read this on the day you posted but commenting late 😀 That kid is super cute 🙂 and so talented too. That’s really sweet of him.
    But agree with the comments above 😀 “Satyam, Shivam Sundaram…. really! ” Indeed.. 😉


  17. Truly touching gesture! The sketch is beautiful… so full of feelings!!
    Indeed a precious gift Swaram 🙂
    totally..lovely post!


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