1. Given that you have a strong affinity for insects (from ameoba to spiders to nameless insects), you must have been some nameless insect in your previous birth :D. Don’t even check that facebook app…..

    The spider web looks great, though!!


  2. !@##%^*(*&^&^%^^%*())()*(&^$$##@!@!@#@$#$@#$%$%^^&(*()*)(&^%$#@!#@$%^&*&^#%@$!~@!#@$#%$^&*(*&^%$#@!#@~@#$%$^&*&((((((*)&(*^%&$^%#$@#!@$#$%^&**()(_)+_()*(&*^%^%$#$@#!@#$%^&*()_)+_(*)(&*^&%^$%#$@#!#@$#%$^%&^*&((&*(*)(*(&^&%^%$#$@#!@~!#$%$%^&^*&(*&*^&%^$%#$@#!@$#%$^%&^*&(*)(_)+_(*)&*^%&^$%#$@#!


  3. Lovely capture, Swaroo Sis… I can safely appreciate it since it’s on snap 😛

    In real life, if spider is in north pole, crafty will take a flight to south pole 🙄

    The detailing of the web is just brilliant. I love looking at spider webs… and mom scolds me for standing on the ladder staring at a cobweb instead of brushing it away :mrgreen:


  4. Spider-woman, you are? Actually the spider does look very nice, comfortable in its web, unlike what a lot of the folks who comment that they are Eeeks!. 🙂 And yes, they are far bigger than their 8 legged city cousins. 😀 😀


  5. Playing with fibres
    since the beginning of time,
    I weave my web,
    dream networks,
    to catch
    dream worms
    as I enjoy
    the scenery,
    the greenery,
    making great connections,
    without a sound,
    watching fuzzily,
    through the scenery in silk.

    They tried,
    they think they’ve done it,
    but some folks
    dreamed up a
    World Wide Web,
    complete with Nets
    in a
    different type of fibre,
    instead of
    catching the worm,
    worm virus
    caught on to them.

    Too many nets,
    Too many webs,
    a great many
    loud clicks,
    i wonder often
    as I relax
    on the silk;
    whoever heard
    of listening to music
    while weaving ?


    1. Swaram,

      I’ve put this poem with your spider photo on my poetry blog Strewn Ashes , with attributions for the photo and to you in general.

      Let me know if this is OK/not OK with you. I know I should have checked with you, but just realized i didnt 😦 . (Will remove immed if not OK. sorry about that ….)


  6. Is the spider so big, or you have zoomed in? Nice shot though, I would have been afraid to do that with my cell phone camera!! BTW, I am tagging you on the topic ‘My top three movies of all time’ – pls do it if you find time…

    Destination Infinity


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