Thursday Challenge – 3

Theme for this week – “GOLDEN” (Jewelry, Coins, Sun, Leaves, Fields, Hair,…)

This pic was taken on our way to Sringeri [Karnataka] sometime in ’06. We were passing through a small village and chanced upon a woman performing Aarati  [a form of worship by lighting lamps]. It looked like any other small room and we could not guess that it  was a temple at all till we drew closer.  It was a small room housing this beautiful Goddess and the woman said anybody from the village offers the daily Puja – be it man/ woman.  The entire village had a lot of faith in the Goddess and believed no harm could befall them in her presence. Example of faith, devotion, equality – all @ once!

Goddess Kalikamba



  1. Wow… its beautiful…… There’s a place called shringeri na ….Goddess shringeri???? i have heard a lot about tht.

    thanks for sharing swaru


  2. “anybody from the village offers the daily Puja – be it man/ woman” What a lovely concept!
    Super pic! When all lit up, it must look stunning, no!?


  3. Beautifully golden…WOW, very nice Swaru. 🙂 🙂 Just love this one….looks like all of us are on to this TC…makes it interesting to see diff pics on the same topic. 🙂 🙂


  4. I had visited this temple twice! Though the vigraha is small, but looks beautiful with all the decorations.

    Thanks for the beautiful photo, it is very clear!


  5. This tells I am not reading any blogs these days 😦 didn’t know a thing about TC!
    Beautiful picture and so nice for once to hear about no priests between the god and the devotees:-))


  6. hi i remember this pic which u showed me in ur camera and after a long time i am opening ur blog it is very nice ….:)


  7. Chennagidhe :). Yelli exact irodhu idhu?. Nodidhini antha ansthidhe munche.

    Nanu guruvaradha challenge nalli photo upload madiddhini :D.


  8. Nice anecdote behind a picture. Well, that is what makes it interesting on a flash-back. Name is interesting. Kaali implies fierceness, anger and Amba is mother (soft and caring)


  9. I quietly came and offered my prayers here looking at the pic “Oh God! Please shower your blessings on this beautiful person who has shared your pic with all of us & eventually bless us too ”



  10. Wow!!!! …. nice and different …. I’ll tell u why diff – firstly first time I am seeing a goddess sitting under the snake hood … and secondly in my part of the world no lady (including goddesses) sit with their feet exposed .. so it usually involves scurrying over the saree to search for the feet ;|

    Me likey this 😀


    1. Interesting. It’s a pretty common sight here that we hv her with the hood over her head 🙂
      I hv seen a few temple which drape the saree in such a way that it covers the feet; hmmm, this one is different 😀


  11. Shringeri is beautiful! I have been there en-route to some other place. This temple is really special! I wonder how many temples allow women to do the aarati.

    Loved your take on golden – I wonder how I missed this one 😦


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